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Student Info:

College: San Diego State University

Location: San Diego, california

Year: Junior

Major: Marketing

Clubs/Sports/Orgs: Christians for Liberty- analyzing politics through a Christian worldview, Kappa Delta Pi, Kappa Delta Pi

Student Note:

I am currently a junior at San Diego State University. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Information systems. I have grown so much in my past three years ...

I am currently a junior at San Diego State University. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Information systems. I have grown so much in my past three years as San Diego State University. This place has helped me grow into the person I have become, through a lot of trial and error. I am very enthusiastic about my junior year, to start taking my upper divsions. They have been so interestingt to learn about since I am now applying my major.

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Goal For: Fall 2024

7% raised

cameron's Student Budget

Enter amount below you wish to give towards each items:

Laptop: $50
Gas: $70
Books: $50
Tuition: $4000
Dorm Supplies: $50
Coffee: $50
Meals: $100
Club Fees: $100

Payment Options

Gift Amount: $0.00

Convenience Fee Included: $0.00 3.9% 4.9% 4.9%

Total: $0.00
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Recent Contributions
Lisa Hennesssy
$20 | 129 d

Need to make sure you can get to work! :)

Aurli Bokovza
$25 | 130 d

Hi Cam - enjoy your books!

Alex Boylan
$10 | 130 d

Excited for your college journey!